Additional Software

Despite of the mandatory software you need to run a Premium A320 Flight Simulator there is a couple of additional software you can use to increase realism and flight experience. In this article we list some ideas for additional software you might like. This list is based on our personal experience without claim of completeness.

Scenery and Airports

Orbx is a great source to improve your simulator visuals accros the entire globe. In other words. Orbx is more or less essential for every simulator. In addition you will find mamy add-on airports to improve your local scenery. We personally like the fact that all software comes with one central management software (Orbx Central) which makes installation and maintenance very easy.

Simmarket is a very big market place to find additional software. You can buy add-ons from different vendors in one central store. We personally like that you have all serial numbers and downloads in one single place.



Hifisimtech provides a software called Active Sky P3D. This add-on allows you to inject real weather into your simulator environment so that you can always fly under the current weather conditions. It also provides historical weather so you can recall interesting weather conditions any time.

Cleaning day...

With a little love the sim will look like brand new and never used. Just remove dust and clean windows...

How to clean a simulator

Hi all, 

Some customers have asked us for tricks on how to defeat the dust in a simulator without having to disassemble everything or damage the panels. So here's the way we do it.

First, we need to locate the vacuum cleaner in the house. With a furniture brush with very soft bristles (such as horsehair), the dust can be removed even from the smallest corners and the Sim looks like new again. In addition, this procedure does not take long and you can fly back quickly.

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