Additional Software

Despite of the mandatory software you need to run a Premium A320 Flight Simulator there is a couple of additional software you can use to increase realism and flight experience. In this article we list some ideas for additional software you might like. This list is based on our personal experience without claim of completeness.

Scenery and Airports

Orbx is a great source to improve your simulator visuals accros the entire globe. In other words. Orbx is more or less essential for every simulator. In addition you will find mamy add-on airports to improve your local scenery. We personally like the fact that all software comes with one central management software (Orbx Central) which makes installation and maintenance very easy.

Simmarket is a very big market place to find additional software. You can buy add-ons from different vendors in one central store. We personally like that you have all serial numbers and downloads in one single place.



Hifisimtech provides a software called Active Sky P3D. This add-on allows you to inject real weather into your simulator environment so that you can always fly under the current weather conditions. It also provides historical weather so you can recall interesting weather conditions any time.

VIER IM POTT Premium Plug & Fly Simulator in the Philippines

VIER IM POTT delivers flight simulators to commercial and private customers all over the world. We are proud to report that one of our A320 Premium Plug & Fly Simulators successfully made it half around the world to the Philippines. Michael and his team did an excellent job setting up the simulator with only very little remote support. Thank you for a great project!


New product: A320 Overhead Stand

Dear all, 

For customers with limited space we invented a new product to hold the front overhead and reduce the neccessary size of the simulator to a further minimum. The A320 front overhead is suitable for a dual and a single seat cockpit especially when you don't have enough depth in your room. The stand is made from powder coated steel and looking very nice. Your cables are well covered by an internal cable duct.

The A320 overhead stand can also be used for mobile solutions.

 You will find the dimensions in our shop:

New Product Development...

We started a new product development to enhance realism especially to private and commercial entertainment customers who want to achieve maximum immersion. Stay tuned!


Potential customers do an intense simulator testing.

Successful in depth testing of our A320 full shell by some competent members of the avation industry. Many thanks for taking the time to visit our showroom in Bottrop, NRW, Germany!

Advanced A320 Tiller

We have a new product version available. The new A320 tiller is more robust and has a better durability and quality. It's delivered wired with connectors to compatible with common USB game controller or joystick cards. The indicator panel is now backlighted.

Find details in our shop.


Customer Feedback from Günter W.

After delivery of the individual parts of the simulator, the individual parts were assembled mechanically and electrically with instructions and super support. The basic structure with all the associated planning and preparations such as room design took about 1 year.

In the event of problems or defective parts, help was given immediately, many thanks to the support team!

The concept and quality of the simulator are well coordinated. If you want a simulator “as real as it gets”, you've come to the right place. All in all, this is a quality product and worth every penny for enthusiastic pilots! I am very satisfied with the delivered product and it is modularly expandable!

Update from our favorite single seat cockpit customer in Switzerland...

Rudy, you've raised the upper limit again..!

A320 Sidestick Handle with Original Take-over Button

We are happy to announce that our A320 sidestick handles now have an even better quality than before. We offer the new ones at the same price as the previous ones (149 EUR net price).

In addition to that we introduce our professional sidestick handles with an original take-over-button. This button has an impressive haptic feel and the characteristic "click" sound like the original. Price is 179 EUR net per piece. Only while supplies last.



Cleaning day...

With a little love the sim will look like brand new and never used. Just remove dust and clean windows...

How to push a Single Seat Cockpit to the limits (customer report)

One of our customers has built a closed single-seater cockpit with a 180° outside view. To give flight simulator enthusiasts some hints for building such a cockpit, we include the description of his construction in our blog. On the other hand, we are interested in learning about a potential demand for prefabricated VIER IM POTT parts for a single seater. Please contact us if you have questions or suggestions.

Design Objectives

  • The simulator fits in a small room.
  • The simulator can be positioned in a corner of the room in order to save floor space. To provide adequate access for maintenance work, the simulator is relocatable off the walls.
  • The simulator can be disassembled. Even the largest part can be fed through a standard size door (73.5 x 198.5 cm).
  • 180 degree outside view with 4K TV monitors. TVs have been preferred over projectors/screens as they use less space, have more luminance and a better contrast ratio.


  • Dimension of the simulator: 240 x 170 x 200 cm (width x depth x height).
  • The simulator base consists of two 19 mm MDF boards (170 x 120 cm) bolted together. 24 rotating wheels are attached to the bottom of the boards:

To keep the simulator base free from intruding screws, the wheels and struts are glued to the boards. This ensures area-wide 19 mm depth for wood insert nuts.

  • All decomposable parts of the simulator are tied together by M bolts and nuts:

Wood screws have only been used for the reinforcement of non-detachable bonds.

The cockpit rack (side stays and roof beams) is built for adequate load bearing and torsion resistance:

Some VIER IM POTT shell frame parts have been shortened to make the shell frame fit onto the simulator base plate. The overhead panel is suspended to a roof cross-beam in order to obviate positioning restrictions for the monitors.

Pilots test simulators differently...

We recently had a visit from a pilot team from Spain. It was really intersting to see how differently professionals test our products. Private customers usually intend to fly the aircraft perfectly. Commercial customers always try to brake the plane and do something they are not allowed in real simulators... :-)

Departing Graz...

Interesting departure from Graz. Heading west towards Friedrichshafen.

We simply love flying!

Mountains everywhere...

Mountains everywhere...approaching Klagenfurt (LOWK)

How to clean a simulator

Hi all, 

Some customers have asked us for tricks on how to defeat the dust in a simulator without having to disassemble everything or damage the panels. So here's the way we do it.

First, we need to locate the vacuum cleaner in the house. With a furniture brush with very soft bristles (such as horsehair), the dust can be removed even from the smallest corners and the Sim looks like new again. In addition, this procedure does not take long and you can fly back quickly.

Showroom Bottrop (20) - Fancy stuff

During our planning phase we decided for a little fancy fun thing. This annunciator lights green when the sim is powered. The other field is red an should be connected with the door look switch to avoid any distorbance during take-off and approach (not sure if my wife and kids will comply with these signs, but at least I can show them the flight status. And that's all about... :-)


Flight Simulator Conference in Paderborn-Haxterberg on May 6th 2017

Dear Friends,

It was a pleasure to see you all at the exhibition. Existing customers, potential new customers and many of our partners. Thank you for meeting us in Paderborn.


FSweekend 2016

Thanks to all customers who have visited us at this years FSweekend in Lelystad. It was again a real pleasure to see many of you again and to see new customers who are into flying an A320.

This time we showed a complete cockpit. The team managed to set the simulator up on a Friday night within 3 hours after a drive of more than 700 kilometers!

Setup almost done... ;-)


Christian doing business... ;-)

EasyJet pilots testing our products

One of our first customers had a visit from two easyJet pilots. A good change to test our products and the new beta version of ProSim A320. Thanks for the picture, Pim.



Custom Shell Solution

We are always ready for special challenges. This time our customer had less than 2.5 m width available for his cockpit. We designed a solution that needs even less space but gives a very impressive feeling while flying.

Stay informed

We will be happy to inform you about news.


Jähne GmbH für Produktinnovation
Freiberger Straße 114, 01159 Dresden

Telefon: 0351 4116349
Öffnungszeiten: Mo - Fr 08:00 - 17:00


Unser Showroom in Bottrop, NRW ist für Privat- und Geschäftskunden geöffnet. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.

Zum Testen unserer Produkte vereinbaren Sie bitte einen Termin.

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Die Produkte von VIER IM POTT sind in keiner Weise mit den Flugzeugherstellern verbunden oder werden von ihnen unterstützt. Unsere Simulationsprodukte sind keine Originalteile der Flugzeughersteller und können nicht für professionelles Flugtraining verwendet werden. Sie ähneln funktionell den echten Teilen, die jedoch nicht in einem echten Flugzeug verwendet werden können. Sie dürfen nur zu Simulationszwecken verwendet werden.

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