Commercial Entertainment Simulator at the Delta Museum near Paris-Orly

It's a pleasure for us to promote our commercial customer Aero-Simulation by JetCity in France, near Paris-Orly. The simulator is located in the Delta Museum and mainly used for public activity. 

"We are proud to use a VIER IM POTT simulator. Our customers are really impressed by the realism and quality of the shell. Most professional pilots express that it feels "like a real cockpit" when they fly with it. Congratulations to the VIER IM POTT team and thanks again." 

- Pierre Letessier., France

The simulator is mainly used for public activity and it can also be adapted for handicap people using a wheelchair on boths sides. Some real pilots are in contact with Aero Simulation to use the sim as a private training device before their own exams. As they are located in the Delta Museam they can offer a visit of the famous concored after the flight.

Please visit their website:

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  14277 Hits

How to push a Single Seat Cockpit to the limits (customer report)

One of our customers has built a closed single-seater cockpit with a 180° outside view. To give flight simulator enthusiasts some hints for building such a cockpit, we include the description of his construction in our blog. On the other hand, we are interested in learning about a potential demand for prefabricated VIER IM POTT parts for a single seater. Please contact us if you have questions or suggestions.

Design Objectives

  • The simulator fits in a small room.
  • The simulator can be positioned in a corner of the room in order to save floor space. To provide adequate access for maintenance work, the simulator is relocatable off the walls.
  • The simulator can be disassembled. Even the largest part can be fed through a standard size door (73.5 x 198.5 cm).
  • 180 degree outside view with 4K TV monitors. TVs have been preferred over projectors/screens as they use less space, have more luminance and a better contrast ratio.


  • Dimension of the simulator: 240 x 170 x 200 cm (width x depth x height).
  • The simulator base consists of two 19 mm MDF boards (170 x 120 cm) bolted together. 24 rotating wheels are attached to the bottom of the boards:

To keep the simulator base free from intruding screws, the wheels and struts are glued to the boards. This ensures area-wide 19 mm depth for wood insert nuts.

  • All decomposable parts of the simulator are tied together by M bolts and nuts:

Wood screws have only been used for the reinforcement of non-detachable bonds.

The cockpit rack (side stays and roof beams) is built for adequate load bearing and torsion resistance:

Some VIER IM POTT shell frame parts have been shortened to make the shell frame fit onto the simulator base plate. The overhead panel is suspended to a roof cross-beam in order to obviate positioning restrictions for the monitors.

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  6945 Hits

First VIER IM POTT Flight Simulator in South Korea

It's a honour, to introduce the first VIER IM POTT Flight Simulator in the Seoul Simulation Center in South Korea.

The simulator has been pre-assembled in Germany. The final installation was done by the local team with remote support from us.

Congratulations - Good job!

SSC Website

Simulator on the picture is shown during a testflight...

  15245 Hits

Why we could not join the FSweekend 2018 ;-)

We know you missed as at the FSweekend 2018 in Lelystad. So here is the story why we could not join. 
For sure this video is not meant serious :-)


  2940 Hits

Pilots test simulators differently...

We recently had a visit from a pilot team from Spain. It was really intersting to see how differently professionals test our products. Private customers usually intend to fly the aircraft perfectly. Commercial customers always try to brake the plane and do something they are not allowed in real simulators... :-)

  3108 Hits

Departing Graz...

Interesting departure from Graz. Heading west towards Friedrichshafen.

We simply love flying!

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Only cool brands are copied....Part 2

A few years ago we made a funny discovery with a company copying all of our products.

See here: Blog

Last week we found out that it happened again:

Wow. They even copied my personal story :-)

We kindly asked them to remove our products but they did not comply. So just to let you know: These guys are neither VIER IM POTT nor they are authorized reseller. If you order from them - you may get something else or nothing.

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  2998 Hits

Mountains everywhere...

Mountains everywhere...approaching Klagenfurt (LOWK)

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How to clean a simulator

Hi all, 

Some customers have asked us for tricks on how to defeat the dust in a simulator without having to disassemble everything or damage the panels. So here's the way we do it.

First, we need to locate the vacuum cleaner in the house. With a furniture brush with very soft bristles (such as horsehair), the dust can be removed even from the smallest corners and the Sim looks like new again. In addition, this procedure does not take long and you can fly back quickly.

  3634 Hits

AERO Expo 2018 - Friedrichshafen

Almost ready! :-)

Radio interview


TV interview

How to plan a home cockpit - Lecture of Christian, VIER IM POTT

  3181 Hits

Maintenance Day

We are testing some updates from Fly-Elise and re-calibrate our the visual system. Colors are much brighter and everything look nice and sharp. Now it's impressive like it should be again.


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Visit us at AERO Friedrichshafen

We proudly present our most realistic A320 flight simulator at the International Trade Show for General Aviation in Friedrichshafen. Looking forward to seeing you there!

  3134 Hits

Video VIER IM POTT A320 Trainer

Our new video shows true love to detail with the example of our VIER IM POTT A320 Trainer.



You can find details and prices in our online-shop or our configurator.

  3620 Hits

Refueling Panel Upgrade - Family team work

Our showroom simulator in Bottrop received a little upgrade. With the help of the kids we successfully installed a Skalarki refueling panel.

  3699 Hits

Kids day at VIER IM POTT

Question: "Can up to ten kids get an A320 from cold and dark into the air and keep it there with no preparation and only with verbal help?"

Answer: "Yes, they can!" We had several dual input issues ;-) And passengers (parents) were scared to death, but they kept the airplane up and the flight was only finished after some severe engine fires...

Congrats boys! Well done!

  3033 Hits

Modular Shell Frame System

We often receive message from customers who are interested in an A320 flight simulator but are also faced with room size restrictions.

For those customers we invented our modular shell frame system which allows different holds for overheads and professional or home made shell liner components.

Today we feel we should explain the principle of this system a bit. Enjoy the video...



  3218 Hits

Showroom Bottrop (20) - Fancy stuff

During our planning phase we decided for a little fancy fun thing. This annunciator lights green when the sim is powered. The other field is red an should be connected with the door look switch to avoid any distorbance during take-off and approach (not sure if my wife and kids will comply with these signs, but at least I can show them the flight status. And that's all about... :-)


  3291 Hits

Axis calibration

We made ourselves comfortable and will now start with the software installation. We have run through the installation process of Prepar3D (v3), Skalarki Profiler (Version 5), ProSimA320 (Version 1.03 latest beta) and FSUIPC4. One note if you have missed that: you will need a paid version of FSUIPC4 to run ProSimA320.


First we start with setup of the Skalarki Profiler. This is rather easy as the profiler software is delivered already with the correct matching of hardware button with the Prosim software.

If you have successfully installed Skalarki drivers (see last article) you will find the profiler like this. One hint: Profiler software starts minimzed. So search for it in the desktop tray.

We stop the SDK Mode. P & P Hardware shows YES for all components we have (hey - for sure we need the refuel panel some day.... :-)

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  3995 Hits

Showroom Bottrop (12) - Carpet and shell frame

Next step: Cockpit floor.

Important hint: Do not buy the cheapest carpet you can. Simply image how many hours it will take to replace it ;-)

Placing the carpet seems to be rather easy from a customers point of view. Even cutting the carpet's edges was not really difficult.


We are happy with the result. :-)

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  3220 Hits

Showroom Bottrop (10) - Prepare warping

After adjusting projectors we can start with configuration of the visual. (Apologize screens in German language).

We know that there are probably much better tutorials out there but we decided to publish our way. Maybe it's helpful for some of you.

Important: As we learnd you should use separate screens. In our case screen 2, 3 and 1. Display 4 is our maintenance computer. Do not use nVidia surround in combination with P3D.


We will user Fly-Elise Immersive Calibration PRO to prepare warping and edge blending.

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  3207 Hits

Stay informed

We will be happy to inform you about news.


Jähne GmbH für Produktinnovation
Freiberger Straße 114, 01159 Dresden

Phone: +49 351 4116349
Opening hours: Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00


Our showroom in Bottrop, NRW is open for private and business customers. We look forward to your visit.

To test our products, please make an appointment.

Social Media

VIER IM POTT products are in no way affiliated or endorsed by the aircraft manufacturers. Our simulation products are no genuine aircraft manufacturer parts and cannot be used for professional flight training. They functionally resemble the real parts, that cannot be used in a real aircraft and should only be used for simulation purposes.

We will try to answer within 24 hours.